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Emerson Student Wins District 64 Spelling Bee

Emerson Middle School

Emerson Middle School


District 64 hosted its 12th annual Spelling Bee and resulted in a repeat winner.  Ayesha Hakeem, 7th grader from Emerson Middle School, secured first place for the second time, her first was in 2020 at the 11th annual Spelling Bee.  Ayesha’s win came after 15 rounds, when she successfully spelled the championship word, “windbaggery.”  Two 5th graders, Franklin student Avi Mirani and Washington student Sarah Winger tied for 2nd place after nine nail-biting rounds of accurate spelling and vocabulary.  Ayeesha will represent D64 at the North-Cook Regional Spelling Bee on March 9, 2022, held at Gemini Middle School in Niles.

The D64 Spelling Bee included both Spelling and Vocabulary Rounds.  Judges this year included Colleen Miller, Amy Lynch, and Kim Kaniecki.  Julie Flyke, a district Speech Pathologist, served as the district pronouncer.

The top three finishers will be recognized by the Board of Education on February 17.

Together We Discover, Learn, Grow & Care

At D64, our mission is to foster opportunities for discovery, engagement, and growth for all students. We accomplish this by nurturing interdependence, appreciation of differences, and care for self and others.

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