Absence Reporting
For safety reasons and in compliance with state law, a parent is requested to notify the
school office in writing or by phone within the first hour of school. If notice is not
received, the school secretary will call parents at home or work to confirm the absence.
To report an absence, please call the school office anytime, day or night, to access the
voice mail system. Field's office phone number is 847-318-4385.
When calling, please provide: student’s name; classroom/ homeroom; date of absence; and reason for absence. For illness, please share symptoms or diagnosis. When reporting a case of influenza, please supply the following details: whether influenza was formally diagnosed by the healthcare provider, which type of influenza was diagnosed, and whether treatment (i.e., Tamiflu) was prescribed.
What is the difference between an excused and an unexcused absence?
- Excused: A valid cause for absence includes illness, observance of a religious holiday or religious instruction, death in the immediate family, family emergency, other situations beyond the control of the student, other circumstances that cause reasonable concern to the parent/guardian for the student’s safety or health, or other reason as approved by the Superintendent or designee. For a student to be released from school as an excused absence to observe a religious holiday or for religious instruction, parents should give written notice to the Building Principal at least five calendar days before the student's anticipated absence. Teachers will provide the student with an equivalent opportunity to make up any examination, study, or work requirement. Please see Board Policy 7:80 Release Time for Religious Instruction/Observance for additional information.
- Unexcused: Absences due to vacations, attendance at a cultural or sporting event, or participation in a team sport, acting or fine arts performance are considered unexcused.
The Illinois School Code defines a chronic or habitual truant as a child who is absent without valid cause (i.e., unexcused absence) for 5%(nine days) or more of the previous 180 regular attendance days. District 64, therefore, monitors student attendance on a regular basis and conducts an absenteeism and truancy program to ensure the attendance of students at school. To address high rates of unexcused absenteeism, a sequence of escalating interventions is followed leading to a Truancy Referral Form submitted to the North Cook Intermediate Service Center.
A healthcare provider’s note is required if your child is absent five or more consecutive days due to illness; please bring the note to the Health Office upon the child’s return to school. In addition, consult Procedures/School Absence in Chapter 5 - School Health Services for detailed instructions about re-admittance to school following specific illnesses, injuries and other health occurrences.
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