Summer Updates at Field
Summer at Field is a time of busy preparation devoted to making sure everything is ready for the first day students arrive! As a new principal here, this summer has been particularly busy learning as much as possible about the District, the building, and, most importantly, all the people in the Field School community. My current focus is on updating room assignments, planning class groupings, and hiring any necessary staff in the remaining weeks before the new school year begins.
Our building is the focus of intensive activity this summer, too. In addition to the thorough, top-to-bottom cleaning of our entire school, this year Field is getting all new windows. I’ve included “before” and “after” photos to show the differences. The old model had only one-quarter of the window having clear glass to allow direct light into the room, while the new windows have clear glass in all three panels, making the rooms so much sunnier. I look forward to the reactions of our returning students when they see their classrooms being brighter than they remembered! The more efficient windows also mean that our rooms will stay warmer when winter arrives.
Another change underway is in our Learning Resource Center (LRC). Renovation is ongoing and the new windows are going in before fresh carpet is installed next week. I’ve included photos of the work underway. When completed, the updated LRC will offer more room for collaboration and student workspace in addition to housing our books and other collections. Our refreshed LRC will be a vibrant and exciting learning space for individual students, small groups and whole classes in the coming year!