Welcome to Field Elementary School!
Park Ridge-Niles District 64 and Field Elementary’s motto is, "Together we discover, learn, grow and care."
Eugene Field Elementary School is one of the five elementary schools in District 64. Field generally has approximately 640 students averaging five homerooms per grade level, as well as morning and afternoon Kindergarten. We offer many additional supports to our students including special education and related services, literacy and math intervention, accelerated programming, second language learning support, and clubs and activities. We have a very active parent community and Parent/Teacher Organization. At Field, we focus on supporting the whole child. Our Field CARES program emphasizes the values we wish to instill in our students and honors students who are “caught caring”. Our staff members put our students’ first and work hard to meet all students’ needs. We look forward to partnering with our parents and families for continued academic success!
Meet Your Principal![](/dir/files/Images/Goodman,%20Courtney_F_HR.jpg?mask=2)
My name is Dr. Courtney Goodman, and I am pleased and honored to be the principal of Field. As we work to begin a new school year, I’d like to share a bit about myself with you. I earned a Bachelor’s in Journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia and worked in marketing for a few years. I returned to school at DePaul University to earn a Master’s degree in Secondary Education. From there, I taught middle school language arts, literature, and social studies. I earned my administrative certificate through coursework at National Louis University, and served as an assistant principal of a middle school for four years. From there, I became an elementary school principal, working first in Skokie for three years, and then moving here to Field in July 2020. I'm so glad to be a part of the Field school community! This school year, I completed my Doctorate in Educational Leadership through National Louis. My husband Josh and I live in Chicago with our two kids, Anderson who is 10 years old and Amelia who is 8 years old. When possible, we love to be outside, enjoying the city. We love playing tennis, watching baseball, and I love to read. Most of all, I love being with and working with kids! If you’d like to learn more about both Mrs. Christa Donnelly, our assistant principal, and me, you are welcome to view this Q&A video, which we created in the spring of 2020.
While these last two years have proven to be unique and challenging, I know we will continue to have a successful, positive, and productive school year at Field. I am very much looking forward to meeting and connecting with you. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out via email or phone if I can be of any assistance.
Your partner in education,
Dr. Courtney Goodman
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