Field Elementary School News
Grades 3-8 students invited to compete
Message from Superintendent Laurie Heinz on Special Education To all District 64 P...
189 water sources tested across the District
Learn to solve challenges by "failing forward"
Worlds of Wonder will run June 5 to July 13
Lincoln duo offer insights on helping students navigate online news sources
Progress on MAP and PARCC reported to Board of Education
$800 awarded by SWANCC
Interim director to be appointed for remainder of school year
Local veterans and active service military participate
Survey will run through November 14
Community event will be hosted by Lincoln PTO
Park Ridge Kiwanis supported 34 of our families last year
Wind chill is a key factor
State releases annual reports for each school, district and state
Five events available for Grades 3-5 students
10 middle schoolers will perform at regional events
October 25 concert at Pickwick Theatre 7:00 p.m.
Principal Appreciation Day in Illinois
Augmented reality allows volcanoes to appear on students' desks
Schedule appointment with our Early Childhood Diagnostic Team
Event sponsored by D64, LWV of Park Ridge, and NW suburban chapter AAUW
Surplus of just under $1 million expected
Review committee is focused on unique needs of adolescent learners
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