Dear Franklin Parents and Guardians:
Welcome back and Happy New Year! I hope you all enjoyed the winter break.
Mon Jan. 16 | Tues Jan 17 | Wed Jan 18 | Thurs Jan 19 | Fri Jan 20 |
Crazy Weather/Crazy Sock Day!
3:50 p.m. Title 1 Parent Info meeting in LRC |
8:00 a.m. Title 1 parent info meeting in LRC
11:40 Chess club
7:00 p.m. Parents of 4th and 5th grade students can preview movies show to 4th (girls) and 5th graders for health curriculum at Field School |
11:40 a.m. Coding Club
6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Parent orientation for parents of 5th graders 6th grade next year @ Emerson. Students can attend. Emerson Open House |
Crazy Weather/Crazy Sock Day! Tuesday, Jan. 17th. Our weather is due to turn COLD again over the weekend. The staff thought it would be a fun idea to have a crazy sock day on Tuesday to get the students excited to come back to school on Tuesday after the long holiday weekend.
Title 1 Math Tutoring Parent Meeting: If your child attends (or will start attending) our title 1 math tutoring program you are invited to attend an informational meeting on the program this Tuesday at 3:50 p.m. or Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. in our LRC.
TRAFFIC SAFETY at drop off and pick up. With the cold weather we have many more parents driving their children to school. Please follow the traffic signs and do NOT make U turns on Manor street. Parents can NOT pull into the staff parking lot OR the Circle Driveway. Small children walk across the parking lot and the circle drive (as well as the bus) and it is UNSAFE to have cars breaking our rules and pulling in those areas. Please be patient when dropping off and picking up your child(ren) at school and take the time to follow the rules so we can ensure the safety of your children.
Our students in grades 2 -5 took the winter Measurement for Academic Progress (MAP) test before break. We will be sending these results home via US mail next Friday, Jan. 20th. Teachers use the winter MAP results to plan for instruction. Our students will continue to grow as they are introduced to new topics in the coming months. While we track student growth over the course of the school year, we will look more closely at growth after we administer the spring MAP. You will also receive those results in May.
For students in Kindergarten and 1st grade we completed our AIMs web benchmark testing. This testing gives us a progress update on how our students are doing with early literacy and mathematics skills. This data helps us identify students who may need extra support and to plan for future instruction.
The Franklin Spelling Bee Thurs. Jan. 12th. The top three spellers were Annabelle Izzi (3rd gr), Nathan Kapetanou (4th gr), Mary Keller (5th gr) and our alternate is Matthew Herdzik (4th gr). The top three spellers will move on to the District Spelling Bee which will take place on Jan. 30th at Roosevelt School at 4:00 p.m.
Our students participated in a school wide election in November and voted the Falcon as the new Franklin mascot. On Jan. 20th Franklin will replace the guitar with our new mascot the Falcon. This month our school wide focus is on Following Directions. The two classes that earn the most golden slips during the month of Jan. for following directions will be awarded a stuffed falcon to keep in their classrooms for the remainder of the year. The falcons will remain in the classrooms for the remainder of the year and can be used as incentives for good behavior, for example, the teacher can let the falcon sit on the desks/table of the student/students who are following directions, on task, etc. Each month two classrooms will win a stuffed falcon for earning the most golden slips for our school wide focus.
For the month of December, our school wide focus was Be Responsible. Our classroom winners for the month of December were Mrs. Schuetz 2nd grade, Mr. Rasmussen 3rd grade, and Mrs. Majeski 3rd grade. These classrooms will have the golden guitars in their classrooms for the month of January. As the year proceeds, we will slowly transition more from Franklin Rocks to Franklin Falcons. Our new motto is, “Together we will soar to new heights.”
Dr. Claire Kowalczyk