Franklin Elementary School Blog
Congratulations to Ms. Pankau's Class, Mrs. Fulara's Class, Mrs Miller...
Congratulations to all of the Students in Ms. Rousakis, Mrs. Lally and Mrs. Siani...
Congratulations to all of our Franklin String Ensemble students who performed in Emerso...

We had a marvelous time at Camp Duncan this year with the 5th Graders. The weathe...
We had a fantastic day of visiting all sorts of new places "virtually" with G...
Please check out our wild Hair as we celebrate Red Ribbon Week! Photo Gallery

The Franklin Students have outdone themselves this year with outstanding and creative...
We had a beautiful day today. Canoeing was a dream in very still waters and practically...
We are doing very well up at Camp Duncan. Dinner was very good and night activiti...
Outdoor Ed. is going along very well! The kids are having a great time and learning abo...

Dear Franklin Families, We created a video to give a quick and helpful overview of t...
This past Thursday the Franklin PTA held their annual "Donuts With Dads". Onc...
Congratulations to Ms. Rousakis' Kindergarten Class, Ms. Sweeney's 2nd Grade Cl...

Here are some short videos of our Recent Walk-A-Thon! Thank you to Mrs. Sobotka for ...

Mrs. Benedetti and I are getting into the Walk-A Thon action with Kindergarten! Great...

Dear Franklin Families, Mr. Walsh & myself are new on twitter! We'...
We are looking for more lunchroom staff. If you are interested, please email Mr. Wals...
This was the first time the Franklin PTA held a Ice Cream Social for Kindergarten...
We are so proud of our Orchestra Teacher Ms. Erica Charous, also a member of Xtra Credi...
One of our Kindergarten classes dropped in to visit Mrs. Lech in her office.
Franklin Kindergarten Student do know how to Rock! It was the first Friday Spirit day f...
We had special visitors from the Park Ridge Fire and Police departments come to speak w...

What a great turn out for our Back to School Picnic this year! It was great seeing al...
It was a great First Day for our 2015-16 Kindergarten Classes. What an uplifting ...
We had a great first day! I was so happy to see everyone and get this school y...
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