Franklin Elementary School Blog
Author Visit! By, Emily Lech, assistant principal  ...

I am very happy to have school on Veterans day. It is a learning opportunity for studen...
Please check out out Green Team Video highlighting our initiative to keep recyclables o...

Warm Regards, Emily Lech, Assistant Principal November 3, 2014 The Lion, The ...

Hello from Franklin’s New Assistant Principal November 2, 2014 He...
The Franklin Green Team is working well with the Lunch Program to organize an efficie...
It is a little overcast and cool today, but no rain and we are having a great time! ...
Here are some more pics of our Camp Duncan Trip. We are doing Kayaking , Orienteering a...

We have arrived at Camp Duncan this morning and it is a beautiful day! We have a fu...

Thank you to all of the Parents, Students, Teachers and Staff for an incredible turnout...
This evening, October 15th, from 4:30- 7:30 Franklin Teachers and Staff will be worki...
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