Students at the Lincoln LRC enjoy "Blind Date with a Book"
Finding the right book can be as difficult as finding true love. Luckily middle school students at Lincoln have been participating in "Blind Date with a Book" all February and sampled readings they otherwise likely would not have. Volunteers helped wrap over 400 books at the Lincoln LRC, covering the book cover and author's name.
Students then read the book for four minutes and decide whether they'd like to keep reading it or not. If they didn't want to keep reading it, they swapped it for another book. The goal is to have students select a book based on the content instead of by the cover. When the students decide to check out the book they're on their blind date with they then promise to leave it wrapped until they're finished reading it.
"This is a program students really enjoy" said Lincoln Library Information Specialist, Denise Reeder.
March plans at the Lincoln LRC include a March Madness bracket for books that students will vote for books each week until they ultimately decide the one winner.