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Lincoln Student Plays in the All-Illinois Junior Band

Lincoln Student Plays In The All-Illinois Junior Band

Lincoln trumpet student Asher Corelitz participated in the All-Illinois Junior Band recently. As the first statewide middle school honor band in over half a century, membership in AIJB is determined solely through competitive blind auditions.  

On January 17, Asher rehearsed with 80 other students throughout the state. He performed at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Krannert Center for Performing Arts under the direction of Dr. Linda Moorhouse.  Dr. Linda Moorhouse is the current Professor and Director of the School of Music at the University of Illinois. 

Asher is a 7th grade trumpet player at Lincoln Middle School. He currently plays in the symphonic band (top group), jazz band, percussion ensemble, principal chair of the CYSO Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra, plays soccer, and enjoys to golf.

Congratulations on your performance Asher!

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