With a blizzard of information available to students from a variety of online sources, parents are more likely than ever to hear their children say: "I read it on the Internet, so it must be true."
That’s why District 64 is offering parents a guide to information literacy that will help them give their children an “educational edge” at a Monday, March 23 Parent University session. The program will be held from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at Lincoln Middle School (Learning Resource Center), 200 S. Lincoln, Park Ridge.
Designed as an interactive workshop, the program will help parents learn how to guide their student to discover if an information source is reliable, how to evaluate the credentials of the information provider, how to implement better search strategies, and why we need to practice media literacy. District 64 believes these are critical skills for helping children grow into becoming responsible, informed and safe digital citizens.
District 64 middle school Library Information Specialists Denise Reeder (Lincoln) and Dianne Olson (Emerson) will facilitate the Parent University program, which is free and open to all adult members of the community. It is timed so that participants may attend the regular monthly Board of Education meeting that follows at 7:30 p.m., too.