Roosevelt Elementary School News
Four classrooms would be added
$1.7 million Operating Fund surplus tentatively projected
Progress at a high quality level
Print and cut out at home for learning fun!
Will join D64 on August 1
Roosevelt and Emerson schools are air conditioned
Summer school will close both July 4 & 5
View Session I photos
Dr. Eric Olson joins D64 on July 1
Students congratulated at June Board meeting
Appointment effective July 1
Hear from D64 experts, local libraries
2018-19 school year has ended
551 eighth graders promoted to high school
Reading garden renovation and school history project have lasting benefits
48 staff members mark important steps on their career paths
$21,500 in grants awarded
Appointments are effective July 1
Both will join D64 on July 1
Sixth planting season is underway
Short story winners selected at all grade levels
4th annual event focuses on future ready skills
ISBE Profile benchmarks financial health
Appreciation Week May 6-10
Three newcomers join the Board
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