Facilities Projects
This page contains plans for upcoming projects as well as a look at what we have recently accomplished.
The Board of Education has approved approximately $8 million in summer 2019 Health Life Safety, critical infrastructure and capital projects. Contracts are awarded to the lowest responsible, responsive bidder through a competitive public bidding process.
Summer 2020 marked the fifth and final year the District’s Master Facility Plan. We as a District have accomplished our promise to keep our schools, safe, warm and dry along with a lot of other projects that needed to be completed in our buildings.
The projects proposed each year have been evaluated in the context of extending the life of a building or its systems based on individual building needs and overall need across the District, and to meet the education goals for student learning in a safe environment. The plan also reflects the capacity of each building, how space is utilized, the relationship of education areas within a building, how technology is incorporated, and the focus on flexible learning environments as educational needs have evolved.
Projects approved by the school for summer 2020 $4.9 million and included:
- Washington School addition and classroom reconfigurations
- Washington School flooring
- Asbestos abatement
Related to the work above, District 64 will incur architectural fees of 7.5% and construction management fees estimated at 2% The fee is all inclusive from bid documents to completion of the project.
Related to the work above, District 64 will incur architectural fees of 7.5% and construction management fees estimated at 2% The fee is all inclusive from bid documents to completion of the project.
The Board of Education has approved approximately $8 million in summer 2019 Health Life Safety, critical infrastructure and capital projects. Contracts are awarded to the lowest responsible, responsive bidder through a competitive public bidding process.
Intended to coincide with the 2020 Vision Strategic Plan, the five-year construction plan is focused on ensuring that all buildings are “safe, warm and dry.” The plan began in Summer 2015, and includes Health Life Safety (HLS), Critical Infrastructure Category 2 & 3 Projects, and additional priority capital projects. The total estimated expenditure is approximately $27.2 million in facilities projects over the life of the plan.
The projects proposed each year have been evaluated in the context of extending the life of a building or its systems based on individual building needs and overall need across the District, and to meet the education goals for student learning in a safe environment. The plan also reflects the capacity of each building, how space is utilized, the relationship of education areas within a building, how technology is incorporated, and the focus on flexible learning environments as educational needs have evolved.
Projects approved by school for summer 2019 include:
- Completion of Health Life Safety (HLS) projects, main office renovation with secure vestibule installation at Carpenter School
- Completion of HLS projects, main office relocation with secure vestibules, renovation of classrooms at Franklin School
- Completion of HLS projects, main office relocation with secure vestibule, renovation of affected classroom areas and new build of Multi Purpose Room (MPR) to replace auditorium at Field School
- Franklin and Field Corridor flooring including asbestos abatement
- Plumbing pipe replacement at Carpenter
- Replacement of Lincoln Middle Schoo’s HVAC in LRC, kitchen and cafeteria
- Lincoln HLS classroom/corridor renovation, intercom replacement and ADA restroom
- Leveling the Washington auditorium floor so that the space can be used as a multi purpose room (MPR).
Related to the work above, District 64 will incur architectural fees of 7.5% and construction management fees estimated at 2% The fee is all inclusive from bid documents to completion of the project.
Other projects under consideration, but not yet approved, for summer 2019 include:
- Lincoln parking lot replacement
- District-wide replacement of door hardware and doors where necessary
The Board of Education has approved summer 2018 Health Life Safety, critical infrastructure and capital projects totaling $8.3 million. Contracts are awarded to the lowest responsible, responsive bidder through a competitive public bidding process.
Intended to coincide with the 2020 Vision Strategic Plan, the five-year construction plan is focused on ensuring that all buildings are “safe, warm and dry.” The plan began in Summer 2015, and includes Health Life Safety (HLS), Critical Infrastructure Category 2 & 3 Projects, and additional priority capital projects. The total estimated expenditure is approximately $27.2 million in facilities projects over the life of the plan.
The projects proposed each year have been evaluated in the context of extending the life of a building or its systems based on individual building needs and overall need across the District, and to meet the education goals for student learning in a safe environment. The plan also reflects the capacity of each building, how space is utilized, the relationship of education areas within a building, how technology is incorporated, and the focus on flexible learning environments as educational needs have evolved.
Projects approved by school for summer 2018 include:
Carpenter School:
- Replacement of the Heating, Cooling and Ventilation (HVAC) system in Zones 2 and 3, upgrade of flooring including asbestos abatement of existing flooring and energy efficiency measures such as LED lighting in areas affected by new HVAC
- Completion of Learning Resource Center (LRC) upgrades that began in summer 2017
- Sealcoating of asphalt
Field School:
- Completion of LRC upgrades that began in summer 2017
- Reconfiguration of staff workroom/lounge to accommodate necessary equipment
- Addition of cabinetry outside of main gymnasium to accommodate loss of storage which occurred when the kitchen was remodeled in summer 2017
- Sealcoating of asphalt
Franklin School:
- Completion of tuckpointing
- Roof replacement
- Sealcoating of asphalt
Lincoln Middle School:
- Replacement of walk-in cooler/freezer in kitchen area with energy efficient model that does not work off of running water
- Replacement of mechanical units in small offices with energy efficient units that do not work off of running water
- Tuckpointing
Roosevelt School:
- Office relocation/Secure vestibule, LRC remodel including creation of two new classrooms, replacement of hallway flooring which included asbestos abatement done over spring break 2018
- Replacement of galvanized piping in the hallways
- Sealcoating of asphalt
Washington School:
- Sealcoating of asphalt
- Playground replacement funded through Washington PTO and other donors
Emerson Middle School:
- Roof replacement
- Replacement of parking lot asphalt and sidewalk replacement including correction of drainage issues
- Remodeling of LRC to accommodate needed additional classroom space
Jefferson School:
- Replacement of parking lot asphalt and sidewalk replacement including correction of drainage issues.
Again this year, administration combined bid packages across schools to obtain the most competitive quotes. Packages were combined for roofing, asphalt and sidewalk replacement, plumbing projects, sealcoating and tuckpointing.
Sealcoating is included in our list of summer projects this year. As discussed with the Board, it is important to complete the necessary maintenance on our buildings and grounds in a timely manner so that we preserve our facilities which will result in lower replacement costs going forward. The awarded bid for sealcoating totaled $40,000.
Related to the work above, District 64 will incur architectural fees of 7.5% and construction management fees estimated at 2% The fee is all inclusive from bid documents to completion of the project.
Read a midpoint update on summer 2017 progress here
View gallery of summer construction photos here
The Board of Education has approved summer 2017 Health Life Safety, critical infrastructure and capital projects totalling $3,852,880. Contracts are awarded to the lowest responsible, responsive bidder through a competitive public bidding process.
Projects include:
- Carpenter School - kitchen remodeling for hot lunch program
- Field School - window replacement ($805,524); Learning Resource Center flooring replacement; and kitchen remodeling for hot lunch program
- Franklin School - Learning Resource Center flooring replacement and related asbestos abatement; kitchen remodeling for hot lunch program
- Lincoln Middle School - roof; Learning Resource Center remodeling, secure vestibule/office reconfiguration ($1,165,223); tuckpointing ($320,235); flooring replacement hallways and stairs; asbestos abatement for hallways, office and stairs; plumbing and water piping ($409,000)
- Roosevelt School - roofing; kitchen remodeling for hot lunch program
- Washington School - kitchen remodeling for hot lunch program
Some of the bid packages were combined across schools to obtain the most competitive quotes. The combined projects above are valued at: roofing $552,000; asbestos abatement $226,510; elementary kitchen remodeding $138,723; and flooring $235,665.
Related to this work, District 64 will incur architectural fees of 7.5% and construction management fees estimated at 2%.The fee is all inclusive from bid documents to completion of the project.
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