Health & Safety Tips
Communicable Illness/Childhood Immunizations/Childhood Disease
Influenza, Meningococcal and COVID-19 Vaccination Information from IDPH and CDC
Information for Parents:
- Click here for the latest Centers for Disease Control (CDC) information
- Advice for Teens and Social Distancing (AdvocateAurora Health)
- How to Clean and Disinfect your Home (CDC)
Information for Students:
- All about Coronavirus: A Video for Kids (University of Michigan, School of Public Health)
- Handwashing video for kids (BrainPop Jr.)
- Coronavirus video (BrainPop)
Seasonal Influenza Information
- Information for D64 Families: What You Need to Know about the Yearly Flu Season
- The Flu: What to Do If You Get Sick
- Flu Facts from Cook County Department of Public Health
- CDC's "The Flu: A Guide for Parents"
- Is it a cold or is it the flu? Find out more.
- Preventing the Flu: Resources for Parents and Child Caregivers. The American Academy of Pediatrics presents current information.
- General information about pneumonia
- Ways to prevent pneumonia
- Oct 2024 - Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Infections Increasing in the US- CDC
- Meningitis facts from the American Academy of Pediatrics
- What you should know about meningitis vaccination
Tick Bites/Lyme Disease
- Find out how to protect your family from tick bites and Lyme disease.
- D64 Letter regarding tick removal
- IDPH Tick Flyer
Chicken Pox (Varicella)
- Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC): Chicken Pox
- What is pertussis or "whooping cough"?
- Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) Pertussis
- Coughs are a common childhood symptom. Learn about the varied causes here.
- Centers for Disease Control (CDC) measles website
- Information for parents about measles
Viral Gastroenteritis
- Surviving the Stomach Bug: Truths and Tips
- Gastrointestinal Illness: "Stomach Flu"
- Learn about the history of vaccination, how vaccines work, and other interesting facts.
- Vaccines for your Children (CDC)
- Immunization information from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
- Why Vaccinate Children?
Diabetes is a chronic (long-lasting) health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy. With diabetes, the body doesn't make enough insulin or can't use it as well as it should. When there isn't enough insulin or cells stop responding to insulin, too much blood sugar stays in the bloodstream. Over time, that can cause serious health problems, such as heart disease, vision loss, and kidney disease.
#SeeTheSigns - Learn the Commonly Missed Symptoms of Diabetes. These are the four primary warning signs of diabetes. If you #SeeTheSigns in yourself or anyone you know, see a health care provider right away and get a simple blood sugar check:
- Thirsty all the time - feeling dehydrated, unquenhable thirst all the time, waking up at night to drink, frequently asking for something to drink
- The need to urinate too frequently- feeling like you're peeing all the time, even getting up at night, children past the bed-wetting phase may start again
- Exhaustion - tired, low energy, unusually fatigued with no reason why and can lead to irritability and mood swings
- Losing weight but not trying to or faster than can be explained
Other common symptoms include: blurry vision, numb or tingling hands or feet, very dry skin, cuts or sores that heal slowly, frequent UTIs, frequent yeast infections.
More information:
- ISBE/IDPH - Understanding Type 1 Diabetes for Parents and Guardians
- CDC Diabetes information (Type 1 and Type 2)
- Breakthrough Type 1 (formerly JDRF) - Type 1 Diabetes basics
- Beyond Type 1- School resources
- Mayo Clinic Explains Diabetes (Youtube Video)
Safety and Wellness
- Learn about When and How to Wash your Hands
- Preschool Handwashing video
- Brainpop Jr. Handwashing video
- Hand Wash Rap
- Fight Germs. Wash Your Hands!
- CDC What you need to know about handwashing
The use of e-cigarettes is a rapidly emerging trend, popular with teens and young adults. According to the 2024 National Youth Tobacco Survey, 2.25 million high school and middle school students currently use tobacco products and 1.63 million students reported current use of e-cigarettes. More than 1 in 4 use e-cigarettes daily. These devices deliver nicotine, flavorings and other substances through an inhaled aerosol. E-cigarettes are also referred to as “e-cigs, vape pens, vapes, mods, e-hookahs, and tank systems.”
A very popular brand of vaping device, the JUUL vaporizer, looks like a flash drive, is small enough to fit into the palm of the hand, and can even be charged on a computer. These devices can be filled with marijuana, and JUUL flavor pods — such as fruits flavors or cartoon-themes — can deliver more than double the amount of nicotine of other vaping products. Overwhelmingly, current users (nearly 85%) used flavored e-cigarettes with fruit flavors being the most popular, followed by candy, desserts, or other sweets. Companies are also developing vaping devices disguised as everyday items such as looking like a pen, highlighter, phone case, hoodie, backpack, or smartwatch that allow them to vape undetected.
Research continues regarding the dangers of e-cigarettes specifically to youth. The vapor is not safe, because it contains nicotine, a drug that can cause addiction and harm to an adolescent’s developing brain, including lasting cognitive and behavioral impairments. In addition, the aerosol may contain other dangerous chemicals and heavy metals that can affect the lungs and other body systems. In 2019, the State of Illinois raised the legal age for purchasing cigarettes, e-cigarettes and other tobacco products from 18 to 21 statewide, effective July 1.
Everyone shares the role of preventing youth from using e-cigarettes. Please consider using the following resources to learn the facts about e-cigarettes, and to guide you in talking to your child about the dangers of their use:
- Quick facts on the risks
- Talk with your teen about e-cigarettes, a Tip Sheet for Parents (U.S. Surgeon General)
- That's Just Nasty - Cook County Tobacco Campaign (Cook County Department of Public Health)
- FDA's award-winning public education campaign - The Real Cost
General Safety
- It's cold out there!! Information on preventing frostbite and preventing hypothermia
- Stop The Bleed - The American College of Surgeons program trains on how to stop bleeding in a severly injured person
- Find a local Stop the Bleed training course (many are free!)
- CPR/AED training video is available for viewing on the Illinois High School Association's website. View here
- Easy tips to fit a bike helmet and where to buy low-cost helmets and have them custom-fitted locally from Advocate Lutheran General Hospital.
- Do you know what the Thor Guard lightning horn means? Find out here
- Sun safety is so important! Click here for tips on sun protection and prevention of skin cancer.
- Heads Up! Comprehensive information about preventing, recognizing, and responding to a concussion
- Concussions - Learn more about signs, symptoms and prevention.
- D64 Return to Learn Protocol
- D64 Return to Play Protocol
Insect/Bug Bites
- Mosquito bites: symptoms, treatment, and when to call your healthcare provider
- Learn more about bee/yellow jacket stings.
Food Allergies
- Information about Common Food Allergens and Food Sensitivities
- Get an overview of food allergies by visiting the American Academy of Allergy and Immunology (AAAAI) website.
- Safe Snack Guide - updated lists and guides (every 4-6 weeks) to help keep allergens out of the classroom and the home
Grief Issues
- Helping your child cope: Tips for parents
- Emotional Wellness resources
- Bereavement resources for families
Head Lice
- District 64 Head Lice Brochure for parents
- 14 Day Treatment schedule brochure
- Local lice removal services
- General information about head lice
- CDC Head Lice information for parents
- Video on how to check for and identify lice
- Video on how to get rid of nits
Nutrition and Physical Fitness
- Make healthy choices throughtout the year!
- Learn more about nutrition for school-aged children.
- Nutrition information for preschoolers
- Nutrition for children with food allergies
- Snacking Do's and Don'ts
- Helping kids plan healthy lunches
- Tips on how to get your kids more active outdoors
- Learn about the basics of healthy weight.
- Practical ways to reduce screen time
- What kids drink can affect nutrition-More on sports and energy drinks here
- Other wellness resources for students and parents
- The Health Risks of Energy Drinks (Thanks Tyler and the Bay Minette Troop for this resource!)
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