Assessment & Student Achievement
In District 64, we recognize that no single assessment can provide comprehensive information about a child’s progress and learning goals. Therefore, we implement a balanced assessment portfolio, including:
Classroom Assessments
Individual classroom teachers use a variety of tools to assess student progress and plan for daily instruction. Classroom assessments may include observations, student writing products, student projects, informal exit slips, quizzes or tests, etc. -
Common Assessments
Common assessments are administered across each grade level at the end of each unit of instruction in reading and math. Common assessments enable teachers to determine how students are performing relative to grade-level expectations. -
Universal Screeners
Students in grades K and 1 participate in screening assessments three times per year in math and reading. The screening assessments are called FAST (Formative Assessment System for Teachers). FAST assessments have a very short administration time are are highly effective at identifying struggling students for additional screening in reading and math. Based on this additional screening, students may be eligible for reading or math intervention.
Classroom teachers administer Running Records using the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Literacy Assessment system. Running records are administered at least three times per year in grades K-5. Teachers use information from running records to identify students’ comprehension levels and reading goals.
State of Illinois Assessments
Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) - (formerly known as PARCC) The Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) in Reading and Math is the state accountability assessment. It is administered each spring to all students in grades 3-8 enrolled in an Illinois public school district.
Dynamic Learning Maps - Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) are alternative assessments administered each spring for students in grades 3-8. The DLM is designed for students receiving special education support for whom general state assessments are not appropriate, even with accommodations.
Illinois Science Assessment - The Illinois Science Assessment measures student mastery of the Illinois Learning Standards for Science. It is administered in the spring to students in grades 5 and 8 only.
ACCESS for English Learners - The ACCESS test is administered annually to English Learners in grades K through 8. This assessment measures students' academic English language in Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing.
Illinois Youth Survey - The Illinois Youth Survey is administered every other year to District 64 8th graders. The purpose of the Illinois Youth Survey is to better understand youth attitudes and behaviors that can impact student success. The survey is completely voluntary and privacy is strictly protected.
Nationally Benchmarked Assessments
Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) for Reading and Math: These MAP Growth assessments are administered three times per year in grades 2-5 and two times per year in grades 6-8. At-risk students in grades 6-8 may take the MAP assessment one additional time in the subject area in which they are struggling. MAP progress reports are shared with parents following each administration.
Safe and Civil Schools Climate & Safety Survey: Each spring, students in grades 3–8 and all staff at every school participate in the Safe & Civil Schools Climate & Safety Survey. Parents/guardians of students in all grades PreK-8 are also invited to participate. Survey results guide school improvement efforts around Social Emotional Learning. The survey is completed anonymously and is not linked to any individual student, parent, or staff member. Please contact your school principal for information about your school’s survey results.
Legislation requires each Illinois school district to report information to ISBE concerning the administration of standardized assessments to students at each school.
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