Middle School Review FAQ
All middle school students take four, year-long core classes: Math, English/ Language arts (includes reading, writing, and listening and speaking), Social Studies, and Science. The length of core classes varies by grade level. Core classes for 6th graders are 58 minutes long; core classes for 7th and 8th graders are 48 minutes long. Generally, there is a three-minute passing period between classes.
All other classes offered during the day are either required electives or student-selected electives. These classes are 38 minutes long and they may be scheduled as year-long classes or in trimesters, semesters or quarters.
Lunch and recess comprise one, 38-minute period.
On Wednesdays, classes are adjusted to accommodate early release for teacher professional development activities. At 6th grade, core classes are 51 minutes; at 7th and 8th grade, core classes are 42 minutes. Elective classes and lunch/recess are 33 minutes.
Students enrolled in Band and Orchestra participate in lessons at varying times during the school day. Practices occur before and after school.
Intervention classes (e.g., English language arts, Math, or Executive Functioning) may replace Foreign Language or an elective choice.
Sixth graders have three class periods dedicated to "exploratory" classes. During these three class periods, they are enrolled in:
- Physical Education (all year)
- Art (one trimester), Music (one trimester), Family & Consumer Sciences (.5 trimester), Industrial Technology (.5 trimester)
Foreign Language (one semester - Students select Spanish or French), Health (one quarter), Technology (one quarter)

Seventh graders have four class periods dedicated to electives. Some electives are required and some are student-selected. During these four class periods, they are enrolled in:
- Physical Education (all year)
- Art 7 (one trimester), Music (one trimester - Students select Vocal Power, Electronic Keyboard, or Guitar), Health (one trimester)
- English Language Arts Elective (one trimester - Students select Broadcasting, So the Story Goes, or Speak Up)
Five student-selected Elective choices (one trimester each). Students select among 17 different options including:
- Foreign Language - French or Spanish (If Foreign Language is selected as an elective choice, it is scheduled as a year-long class.)
- Crack the Code
- Show Me the Money
- It's Debatable
- Strategy Games
- Puzzler’s Paradise
- Marine Biology
- Solve it With Science
- Art Materials & Printmaking
- Digital Music Lab
- Music Theater Workshop
- Foods
- Sewing
- (Family and Consumer Sciences) FACS on the Go!
- Fun with FACS (Family and Consumer Sciences)
- Industrial Tech

Eighth graders have four class periods dedicated to electives. Some electives are required and some are student-selected. During these four class periods, they are enrolled in:
- Physical Education (all year)
- Health (one trimester)
- English Language Arts Elective (one trimester - Students select Broadcasting, So the Story Goes, or Speak Up)
Seven student-selected Elective choices (one trimester each). Students select among 25 different options including:
- Foreign Language - French or Spanish (If Foreign Language is selected as an elective choice, it is scheduled as a year-long class.)
- Multimedia Magic
- Crack the Code
- Show Me the Money
- It's Debatable
- Strategy Games
- Puzzler's Paradise
- Marine Biology
- Solve it With Science
- Art Materials & Printmaking
- Painting and Drawing
- Photography
- Sculpture & Ceramics
- Vocal Power
- Digital Music Lab
- Electronic Keyboard
- Music Theater Workshop
- Guitar
- Foods
- Sewing
- (Family and Consumer Sciences) FACS on the Go!
- Fun with FACS (Family and Consumer Sciences)
- Industrial Tech
- Plastics
- Woods

As established by the Middle School Program Review Committee:
The Middle School Community of District 64 will foster a safe, supportive and inclusive school environment that values diversity, social emotional learning, personal development, and acceptance of self and others. Educators, parents, and community members will work collaboratively to empower young adolescents through exploration, choice, and challenge. We will provide a rigorous and differentiated core and elective curriculum that includes real-world learning experiences and extracurricular opportunities. We will do this by building strong relationships with students that encourage growth and self advocacy in a student-centered environment.
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