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Parent University 2014-15

District 64 Parent University LogoDistrict 64 is sponsoring a series of parent education events through the year.

Most are held in advance of Board of Education meetings, to provide additional opportunities for parents and community members to stay for the meeting and learn more about District 64 initiatives and educational issues.

Check back frequently for additions to this schedule!

In case you missed:

Summertime Learning Adventures: A Parent's Guide to Preventing "Summer Slide" (May 18) Summer slide is real! After all of their hard work all year long, students regress over the summer if they don’t practice their reading and math skills. The good news is that there are many exciting and challenging activities to combat summer slide. Learn about summer-friendly strategies utilizing District 64 and outside resources on this presentation led by Roosevelt School’s Linda Diekman, Library Information Specialist, and Caroline Schaab, Instructional Technology Coach.

Watch this 6-minute synopsis:

Resources and information from other past events:

  • Chromebook 101 was held on Monday, September 22 at Roosevelt School. Click here for the event summary.
  • Google Apps for Education was held on January 26 at Jefferson School and offered an overview of different Google Apps that are being utilized in classrooms across the district and across the world, featuring Instructional Technology Coaches Carrie Bellen (Franklin) and Amanda Pelsor (Carpenter)
  • PARCC for Parents was held on February 23 at Washington School and offered parents an overview of the new English Language Arts and Math assessments in grades 3-8 that will replace the ISATs beginning in March. Parents also learned more about the online test format and had the opportunity to take an actual sample test.
  • Parent Book Club on Emotionally Intelligent Parenting was held on February 24 at Washington School and offered parents an opportunity to participate in discussion facilitated by District 64 staff members on the book: "Emotionally Intelligent Parenting: How to Raise a Self-Disciplined, Responsible, Socially Skilled Child" by Elias, Tobias and Friedlander.
  • "I read it on the Internet, so it must be true." A Parent's Guide to Information Literacy - was held on March 23 at Lincoln Middle School (Learning Resource Center) and helped parents learn how to guide their student to discover if an information source is reliable, how to evaluate the credentials of the information provider, how to implement better search strategies, and why we need to practice media literacy. The evening was facilitated by District 64 Library Information Specialists Denise Reeder (Lincoln) and Dianne Olson (Emerson).
  • The Organized Child - Part 2 - was held on April 9 at Lincoln Middle School (Gym). It allowed parents to expand their learning to help their children build executive function skills. Sponsored by the Lincoln PTO, the evening featured a return visit from Dr. Georgia Bozeday, Director of Educational Services, Rush NeuroBehavioral Center. Dr. Bozeday reviewed some of the basics from her November 2014 presentation (Home Study Environment, Materials Management, and Using a Planner) and then introduced two new topics (not included in the first presentation) that have easy applicability at home: test preparation strategies and strategies for organizing tasks. Questions and discussion occurred throughout the evening.
  • Chromebook 101: Assuring Tech-cess in the Digital Age - was held on April 27 at Carpenter School. Parents learned all about the Chromebook and various Google Apps. Parents had the opportunity to navigate some basic settings and learn about extensions and apps. The session also provided guidance in managing device usage at home, including an overview of the SecURLy filtering system, as well as ways to promote positive and productive digital citizenship. Parents of all grade levels and community members were welcome; for parents of 2nd graders, it was a great opportunity to learn and ask questions about the 1:1 Chromebook program for students in grades 3-8. The program was facilitated by District 64 Instructional Technology Coaches Megan Preis (Lincoln) and Rachel Labuz (Washington).

Together We Discover, Learn, Grow & Care

At D64, our mission is to foster opportunities for discovery, engagement, and growth for all students. We accomplish this by nurturing interdependence, appreciation of differences, and care for self and others.

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