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  • Emerson students perform High School Musical Jr

Emerson students perform High School Musical Jr

Emerson students perform High School Musical Jr

147 Emerson Students and 14 Emerson alumni participated onstage and backstage! 

Students painted scenery, built furniture, helped create the costume schematic, assembled props, designed the publicity, and managed the Stage, Light, Hair & Make-Up, and Sound crews. The Chamber Orchestra directed by Erica Faulhaber recorded an overture for the production. 

Every parent contributed in some way: volunteering for ticket sales, hall supervision, Hair & Make-up crew, Costume Organization, donating raffle prizes and concessions. Over a dozen staff members helped repair sets, loan props, and publicize the show.

"Thank you for all the brilliant performances!", said Musical Director Terry Broeker. "We really were 'All in this Together!'"

View photos from the musical.

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