D64 had a great showing in this year’s Battle of the Books. Washington was the defending champion, and the Wildcat students scored 581 points to finish in 2nd place, just a few points behind St. Andrew, who had a total score of 592. Franklin finished in 3rd place with 534 points.
For more than 40 years, the Park Ridge Public Library has partnered with Park Ridge schools to offer fourth—and fifth-grade students a chance to test their knowledge of books in this competition.
An awesome job to all of our readers! You can see the full recap from the Park Ridge Library here. It was also great to acknowledge our Washington and Franklin students at the March Board meeting. They shared with us that they read 40 books over the 5 weeks! Well done.
Thank you to Washington Teacher Allie Reno and Franklin LIS Andrea Hetzke for attending the meeting. We appreciate all of the teachers and parents who continue to make this event so enjoyable.