Referendum 2024

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Referendum Approved
On November 5, the District 64 2024 Bond Referendum passed overwhelmingly, with 64% of voters approving the $89.1 million referendum. We are very thankful for the support shown for our students and staff.
In total, we did 65 community engagement sessions, tours, and conversations over the past six months. Thank you to everyone involved in some way who helped inform our community so they had the correct information to make their decision. Our students have a bright future ahead!
Local media outlets recently endorsed the District 64 Referendum, recognizing the needs in our buildings and our transparency in giving the community the important facts.
Chicago Tribune
“Voters in various jurisdictions in Illinois will see a variety of ballot questions when they enter the polling booth. We’re not weighing in on all of them but here are five where we have a firm opinion. Park Ridge-Niles School District 64 is asking voters to allow it to issue bonds to finance improvements in school buildings. So is Indian Prairie School District 204, focusing on facility and safety needs. Most of the schools in both of these districts are old and improvements clearly are needed."
Journal & Topics
“Park Ridge and Niles already have great schools, teachers, parents, officials, etc. Taking care of the buildings around them for years to come, rather than a costlier band-aid approach, is a worthy cause."
“...we feel Dist. 64 has done a good job presenting the facts on the referendum that school board members, after thoughtful consideration, voted unanimously in August to place on the November ballot. The district should be applauded for remaining transparent throughout the process and bringing down to $89 million what was an initial figure of $145 million.”
At its August 15th meeting, the District 64 Board of Education unanimously voted to place an $89,106,629 million bond referendum on the November 5th ballot. Voters will be asked for funding to address critical needs at nearly every school, including replacing outdated locks and doors and updating old and failing heating, cooling, lighting, electrical, and plumbing systems. The proposed improvements address needs and problems that will worsen if untreated.
“It’s been almost a year of facility planning and research to better understand how our schools do not support our students and staff from a health and safety perspective and educationally,” said Superintendent Dr. Ben Collins.” We look forward to the democratic process of having this bond referendum on the November ballot, allowing the community to express their views and have their voices heard.”
The referendum would address the most pressing facility issues impacting all seven schools. Some benefits of the proposal are creating healthier, safer, and more secure schools, enhancing ADA accessibility, moving academic support out of the hallways, reducing costly and disruptive emergency repairs, ensuring all students have access to a quality learning environment, and protecting academic excellence and your property values.
You can read more about the Board's approval of the November bond referendum by clicking here.
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