SOPPA - Parental Rights
Under the Illinois Student Online Personal Protection Act (SOPPA), you have the right to review your child’s covered information. Covered information means personally identifiable information (PII) or information linked to PII in any media or format that is not publicly available and is any of the following: (1) created by or provided to an operator by a student or the student’s parent/guardian in the course of the student’s or parent/guardian’s use of the operator’s site, service or application; (2) created by or provided to an operator by an employee or agent of the District; or (3) gathered by an operator through the operation of its site, service, or application. Operators are entities (such as educational technology vendors) that operate Internet websites, online services, online applications, or mobile applications that are designed, marketed, and primarily used for K-12 school purposes.
Under SOPPA, you have a right to:
1. Request to inspect and review your child’s covered information, whether it is maintained by the District, the Ill. State Board of Education (ISBE), or an operator.
- The District will provide you with the opportunity to inspect and review your child’s covered information within the timeframe prescribed by State rules.
- If the covered information requested includes data on other students, your access will be limited to the covered information relevant to your child.
- If the covered information you request includes your child’s school student records, the District will permit you to inspect and review any school student records of your child in accordance with the District’s procedures for student records requests. See 7:340-AP1, E1, Notice to Parents/Guardians and Students of Their Rights Concerning a Student’s School Records.2. Request a copy of your child’s covered information, in electronic or paper form.
2. Request a copy of your child’s covered information, in electronic or paper form.
- The District will provide the copy to you within the timeframe prescribed by State rules.
- If you request an electronic copy, the District will provide you the copy in an electronic format, unless the District does not maintain the information in electronic format and reproducing it in an electronic format would be unduly burdensome to the District.
- If you request a paper copy, the District will charge you the reasonable cost of copying in the amount authorized by State rules. However, you will not be denied a copy if you have an inability to pay.
- You are limited to the number and frequency of copying requests provided by State rules.
- If the covered information you request includes your child’s school student records, the District will provide a copy of your child’s school student records to you in accordance with the District’s procedures for student records requests.
3. Request corrections to factual inaccuracies contained in your child’s covered information. Upon receipt of a request, the District will take the following steps:
- The District will review your request and determine if the factual inaccuracy exists.
- If the District determines that a factual inaccuracy exists, and the District maintains or possesses the covered information, it will correct the inaccuracy and confirm the correction with you within 90 calendar days after receiving your request.
- If the District determines that a factual inaccuracy exists and an operator or ISBE maintains the information, the District will notify the operator or ISBE of the factual inaccuracy and the correction to be made. The operator or ISBE is required to confirm the correction with the District within 90 calendar days after it receives the District’s notice. The District will then confirm the correction with you within 10 business days after it receives the confirmation of the correction from the operator or ISBE.
- If the covered information you are requesting be corrected includes your child’s school student records, the District will follow its procedures for amendment of student records with respect to those school student records.
- D64 1:1 Digital Learning Program (2024-2025) (opens in new window)
- D64 1:1 Digital Learning Program (2025-2026)
- D64 Artificial Intelligence Guidance Document
- Student & Parent Device Orientation (opens in new window)
- Securly Parent Portal for D64
- Internet Connectivity Assistance (opens in new window)
- Student Data Privacy (SOPPA)
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