BOE Video 5-21-12
District 64 Board of Education Regular Meeting
May 21, 2012
The meeting below was taped on location at Emerson Middle School, 8101 N. Cumberland, Niles, IL 60714.
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On View (from left): Secretary Eric Uhlig; Board Member Anthony H. Borrelli; President John Heyde; Superintendent Philip Bender; Vice-President Scott Zimmerman; Board Member Pat Fioretto; Board Member Dan Collins; Board Member Sharon Lawson
The number in the brackets indicates the time on the video when that item begins.
Closed session 6:30 p.m.
Regular meeting [0:00:51]
- Public comments [0:02:24]
- Jefferson School Presentation (Leslye Lapping, Jefferson School Coordinator of Ext. Day & Preschool Services) [0:02:47]
- Recognition of Student Awards (Asst. Supt. Diane Betts; Curr. Spec. Fine Arts Sonja Dziedzic; Curr. Spec. Music Brian Jacobi; Curr. Spec. LA Meghan Keefer) [0:15:09]
- Recognition of Tenured Teachers (PREA President Erin Breen) [0:30:18]
- Elementary Learning Foundation (ELF) Grant Awards (ELF Grant Chair Lisa Arrigoni) [0:35:32]
- Horizon Award for Emerson Middle School (Emerson Principal Jim Morrison) [0:41:36]
- Appointment of Lincoln Middle School Principal (Lincoln Principal-Designate Dr. Anthony Murray] [0:45:46]
- Appointment of Carpenter School Principal (Carpenter Principal-Designate Brett Balduf) [0:51:59]
- Community Finance Committee (CFC) Progress Report (CFC Community Coordinator Ares Dalianis and committee members) [0:57:57]
- First Reading of Policies 4:80 and 7:305 and Policy Issue 78, January 2012 [1:29:19]
- Approval of Contract for Roosevelt School Track (Director of Facility Management Scott Mackall, Roosevelt School Principal Kevin Dwyer and PTO Presidents) [1:37:15]
- Discussion and Approval of Jefferson After-School Program Fees (Business Manager Becky Allard, Jefferson Coordinator Leslye Lapping) [1:45:27]
- Extension of Superintendent’s Contract [2:06:53]
- Consent agenda: personnel report; bills, payroll and benefit; approval of April financials for the period ending April 30, 2012; approval of 2012-13 physical education uniform purchase; approval of intergovernmental agreement for assistive technology services (AT); resolution authorizing accounting transfer(s) to the Capital Projects Fund; approve the 2012-13 regular education transportation contract amount; approval of final calendar for 2011-12; destruction of audio closed minutes (Business Manager Becky Allard) [2:10:49]
- Approval of minutes: May 7, 2012 Committee-of-the-Whole, Special Board Meeting, Closed Session; April 23, 2012 Closed Session, Regular Meeting [2:13:20]
- Other items: Legislative Update from Board Member Sharon Lawson; Carpenter zoning update (Director of Facility Management Scott Mackall) [2:15:30]
June Meetings (as of May 23; please check the District 64 website for updates)
June meetings will be held at the District 64 Educational Service Center, 164 S. Prospect Ave., Park Ridge:
- Monday, June 11 — Committee-of-the-Whole Finance at 7:00 p.m. and Special Meeting at 7:30 p.m. (or at conclusion of the COWF, whichever is later)
- Monday, June 25 — Regular meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Return to Board of Education Meetings page for agenda, minutes, reports and videos.
As a school district, we are committed to continuous improvement. Please send your suggestions to Public Information Coordinator Bernadette Tramm. Thank you for watching!
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