Board of Education News
Board discusses PT3, student achievement
Board adopts tentative levy
Board adopts 2019-20 budget
VIEW MEETING VIDEO The September 9, 2019 special Board of Eduation meeting was held ...
VIEW MEETING VIDEO The August 19, 2019 regular Board of Education meeting was held o...
Highlights of the special meeting
Highlights of the public hearing and regular meeting
Highlights of the regular meeting
Highlights of the special meeting
Highlights of the regular meeting
Highlights of the special meeting
Highlights of the special meeting and organizational meeting
Highlights of the regular meeting
Highlights of the special meeting
Highlights of the regular meeting
Highlights of the regular meeting
Highlights of the special meeting
Highlights of the rescheduled regular meeting
Highlights of the special meeting
Highlights of the special meeting
Highlights of the special meeting
Highlights of the regular meeting
Highlights of the special meeting
Highlights of the public hearing on tax levy and regular meeting
Highlights of the regular meeting
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